All my current and former clients have one thing in common: an uncompromising commitment to building a sustainable reputation for quality, leadership, and achievement.
Organizations with which I’ve been privileged to work around the world include:
The Australia & New Zealand
Banking Group
Australia Post
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Australian Drug Foundation
Bain International
Bluescope Steel
BNP Paribas
The Boston Consulting Group
The Business Council of Australia
Capital & Regional
The Children’s Investment Fund
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia
The Commonwealth Government of Australia
The Lowy Institute
DLA Piper
Flagstaff Partners
The Garvan Institute
Geelong FC
Goldman Sachs
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Houlihan Lokey
J P Morgan Chase
King & Wood Mallesons
Macquarie Group
Minter Ellison
The National Australia Bank
NSW State Super
Origin Energy
Perpetual Guardian
The Royal Bank of Canada
Russell Investments
Russell Reynolds
Seven Group
Smart Group
Standard Chartered
The State Government of NSW
The State Government of Victoria
State Street
Toll Group
Virgin Australia
The World Bank
…and many more
‘Being ‘Larried’ has actually been life changing. Thank you! When typing this, Google tried to change ‘larried’ to ‘married’ – not too far off, both are life changing!’
‘Larry Robertson makes men and women of mice.’
‘The almost unilateral feedback from attendees indicates your session was felt to be the most inspiring and useful.’
‘By showing me how to retain my own inner comfort and confidence when under considerable pressure, you helped me to deliver clarity, credibility and control and so meet market expectations. That alone was highly impressive but that you achieved this for me in such a short timeframe was extraordinary.’
‘Larry has a fantastic ability for diagnosis that is not just addressing the symptoms but the root cause. It’s also the way he dragged me completely outside my comfort zone. A key element to my development has been the way Larry challenged me in ways far beyond what I had previously imagined.’
‘Larry is a natural teacher and leader. He draws on his own life experiences and combines these with a deep understanding of human nature, a clear communication style, natural cheeky charm and wit – and sheer practical good sense. Over the years I have well and truly been ‘Larry’d and have been the richer for it!’
‘Working with you changed the course of my career. You’ve given me the confidence I never had to stand up, to speak and to make an impact. You’ve given me the tools to be a better communicator and a better leader. I cannot thank you enough.’
‘Your help has been invaluable…your energy and enthusiasm immeasurable!’
‘From our very first meeting it became clear that here was someone who had a profound understanding of how vital it is to create successful and lasting impact by combining technical expertise with the forging of genuine emotional connections with people. And it didn’t stop with theory. Larry is a treasure trove of valuable, practical and timeless ideas, not gimmicks, on how to compel people to listen and ultimately decide to work with you.’
‘You were fabulous and my colleagues thought the same. And the students all thought it was great very helpful and on-topic for them.’
‘Whoever Larry works with he leaves some of his gold dust with them!’
‘Larry brings a different lens to what effective leadership is about. His ability to draw out what works and doesn’t is unique and impactful. That said, the journey with Larry is always eventful and best suited to those who seek to hear the honest truth, no matter how difficult!’
At 26, I was climbing the ladder at a top Australian law firm when Larry landed on the scene like a meteorite (only louder). He quickly saw that my future lay elsewhere and helped me pursue my true calling with zeal. Today, I’m the CEO of a multinational company that helps governments deliver lifesaving healthcare to millions of people worldwide. I’m proud to be one of many who is reaching their full career potential thanks to Larry, the maestro of metamorphosis
‘With responsibility for new business within one of the world’s largest advertising holding groups, and in what is renowned as an industry whose output relies exclusively on people, Larry’s advice resonates at every level.’
‘It’s always fun and challenging working with Larry – there’s never a dull moment. While he is both energetic and passionate about what he does – which is to help leaders be their best – his personal authenticity and humility are reminders of what we must all aspire to. And his clarity of thought and ability to help see the wood from the trees complement his personal approach which humanises leadership – he is quick to remind us all that we are all people … and people do business with people!’
‘Larry is unique, as is his approach to leadership and communication. He has made a significant difference for me, for our people across the world and the way we engage with, win and retain clients.’
‘Larry is a highly effective coach and mentor due to his years of experience, progressive mindset and strong support for diversity including female participation at the top ranks.’