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Leadership is about disposition, not position

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February 17, 2017•1 min read
I’ve long held the view that success starts at the top. The quality of an organisation’s leaders has the greatest impact on performance. Of course, leadership is both art and science.

The art is about identifying who you are as an individual, team or organization – brand – and what you stand for – values. Then to agree and exemplify the associated behaviours to create and nurture the required culture to consistently perform at your best, to drive sustainable change and to beat the competition.

The science is about knowing your stuff, determining the purpose, vision and direction, and defining your strategy with which to move forward. This requires understanding the current situation, the ability to think ahead and the courage to get on with it.

True leaders make a real difference, not as a champion of one but as a leader of others. By upholding their organisation’s culture, by gaining the confidence and respect of those around them and by maintaining their resolve whatever the challenges, they’re able to engage, influence and energise others to step up, to execute the plan and to achieve the goal.

So, while acknowledging and fulfilling your own leadership position, be sure to constantly check your leadership disposition.

Larry Heugh Robertson
